Bible / Torah
Parsha Tyme with Rabbi Juravel USB- Sefer Bamidbar
The popular Rabbi Juravel Parsha Series now on USB! When it comes to giving over the parshah or a lesson, or telling a great story, no one does it like Rabbi Juravel! Veteran mechanech and master storyteller Rabbi Juravel has been enthralling kids for decades with his exciting...- $36.99
$36.99- $36.99
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Parsha Tyme with Rabbi Juravel USB- Sefer Devarim
The popular Rabbi Juravel Parsha Series now on USB! When it comes to giving over the parshah or a lesson, or telling a great story, no one does it like Rabbi Juravel! Veteran mechanech and master storyteller Rabbi Juravel has been enthralling kids for decades with his exciting...- $39.99
$39.99- $39.99
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Parsha Tyme with Rabbi Juravel USB- Sefer Shemos Vol. 1 - Shemos-Yisro
The popular Rabbi Juravel Parsha Series now on USB! When it comes to giving over the parshah or a lesson, or telling a great story, no one does it like Rabbi Juravel! Veteran mechanech and master storyteller Rabbi Juravel has been enthralling kids for decades with his exciting...- $29.99
$29.99- $29.99
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Parsha Tyme with Rabbi Juravel USB- Sefer Shemos Vol. 2 - Mishpatim-Pekudei
The popular Rabbi Juravel Parsha Series now on USB! When it comes to giving over the parshah or a lesson, or telling a great story, no one does it like Rabbi Juravel! Veteran mechanech and master storyteller Rabbi Juravel has been enthralling kids for decades with his exciting...- $29.99
$29.99- $29.99
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Parsha Tyme with Rabbi Juravel USB- Sefer Vayikra
The popular Rabbi Juravel Parsha Series now on USB! When it comes to giving over the parshah or a lesson, or telling a great story, no one does it like Rabbi Juravel! Veteran mechanech and master storyteller Rabbi Juravel has been enthralling kids for decades with his exciting...- $36.99
$36.99- $36.99
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Power Points
Short Stories & Enlightening insights for Your Shabbos & Yom Tov TableThis book will provide you with beautiful insights to say over at the Shabbos table each week and on each Yom Tov - with minimal effort. Arranged according to the three Shabbos meals.By:...- $24.95
$24.95- $24.95
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Rav Gershon Edelstein on the Torah
Rav Gershon Edelstein on the Torah offers the Rosh Yeshivah's many insights on the weekly parshah, as well as his sage guidance on fundamental topics. Rav Gershon Edelstein on the Torah is a sefer that will help its readers grow and ascend the ladder...- $24.95
$24.95- $24.95
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Rav Mattisyahu Salomon Vaadim - Bereishis - USB
100+ VaadimEnglishA collection of English ma'amorim and bi'urim from over 10 years of the Mashgiach's Chumash Va'adim.They are organized and cataloged according to the seder haparshiyos.- $19.99
$19.99- $19.99
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Rav Mattisyahu Salomon Vaadim - Devarim - USB
BONUS! FREE 1.5 GB SAMPLER FILE FROM ALL 11 USBS! A collection of English ma'amorim and bi'urim from over 10 years of the Mashgiach's Chumash Va'adim. They are organized and cataloged according to the seder haparshiyos.Free reference card- $19.99
$19.99- $19.99
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Rav Mattisyahu Salomon Vaadim - Shemos - USB
100+ VaadimEnglishA collection of English ma'amorim and bi'urim from over 10 years of the Mashgiach's Chumash Va'adim.They are organized and cataloged according to the seder haparshiyos.Free reference card- $19.99
$19.99- $19.99
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Rav Mattisyahu Salomon Vaadim - Vayikra and Bamidbar USB
A collection of English ma'amorim and bi'urim from over 10 years of the Mashgiach's Chumash Va'adim. They are organized and cataloged according to the seder haparshiyos. Free reference card 100+ Va'adim- $19.99
$19.99- $19.99
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Rav Schwab on Chumash
He was known as the Ish Ha'emes (Man of Truth), the one who cringed from the slightest deviance from the straight and narrow. His daily tefillos, recited with genuine tears and a powerful depth of emotion, were legendary. The intimate relationship he had with...- $30.95
$30.95- $30.95
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Rav Zvi Kushelevsky on the Torah
A Unique, In-Depth and Inspirational Approach to the Weekly Parshah from a World-Renowned Rosh Yeshivah Yeshivas Heichal HaTorah is well known in the Torah world for the serious learning that takes place there; for the solid talmidim the yeshivah produces—and for the exemplary rosh...- $24.95
$24.95- $24.95
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Sefer Chidekel
Harav Chaim Dov Keller on the Torah and Moadim Concise, penetrating insights and analyses, mussar, and hashkafah, based on the parshah and Moadim, by Rabbi Chaim Dov Keller shlit"a, rosh yeshivah of Telshe Chicago.- $24.95
$24.95- $24.95
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Sefer Haparshiyos - Bereishis/Shemos
A pasuk-by-pasuk elucidation of the weekly parshah.More than ten years in the making, Sefer HaParshiyos is a unique chinuch aid for the study of Chumash, produced by a veteran mechanech. Over the course of his distinguished career at the head of the classroom, Rabbi...- $29.95
$29.95- $29.95
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Sefer Likutei Basar Likutei - 5 Volume Slipcased Set
A handpicked collection of Divrei Torah A handpicked collection of divrei Torah from great Torah sages of old, as well as contemporary sources, including the Ksav Sofer, Ohr Hachaim, Be'er Mayim Chayim, Kli Yakar, Chida, Rav Hirsch, and Malbim. Compiled by Harav Shmuel Alter zt"l, and presented in...- $79.99
$79.99- $79.99
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Sefer Meiras Einayim - 2 Volume Set
Arranged according to the order of the Parshiyos and Moadim A wide-ranging collection of midrashim, maamarei Chazal, and writings of the Rishonim and the Acharonim, on the mitzvos of the Torah. Includes ta'amei hamitzvos, elucidations of each mitzvah, the significance of the mitzvah, and...- $27.99
$27.99- $27.99
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Sefer Peninei Shlomo Al HaTorah
Divrei Torah, mussar, commentary and insights on the Chumash from Hagaon Rav Shlomo Eliyahu Miller shlit"a.Compiled by Rabbi Yehuda Gestetner- $19.99
$19.99- $19.99
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Shabbos Table Impact!
Short Stories on the Parsha with an Immediate Message What an Impact! Your Shabbos table will never be the same after picking up this book, guaranteed! Shabbos Table Impact features short, powerful stories corresponding to each week's parsha; this fifth in the Impact series...- $25.99
$25.99- $25.99
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Sifsei Chachamim Chumash Vol. 1 - Bereishis I
Bereishis ISifsei Chachamim is considered the classic commentary on Rashi, and is included in virtually every known edition of Chumash. It is studied in schools worldwide, and is an essential aid to reviewing the weekly Parsha with Rashi. Now, this superb commentary has become...- $30.99
$30.99- $30.99
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