Jewish Law / Halachah
613 Mitzvos Illustrated
Based on Sefer Hachinuch Now, for the first time ever, kids can easily learn and understand all 613 mitzvos! Through engaging text and illustrations, 613 Mitzvos Illustrated depicts and explains all of the mitzvos of the Torah, based on the order and reasons of...- $39.99
$39.99- $39.99
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A Guide for the Jewish Woman & Girl
Back in Print! An excellent guide to Jewish laws and customs as they apply to women and girls.From daily laws to the Sabbath and Holidays to virtually every scenario that may present itself, it's all in here! by Dov EisenbergApprobations by Rabbi Moshe Feinstein,...- $22.99
$22.99- $22.99
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A Practical Guide to Muktze
This sefer contains simple and concise explanations of hilchos muktze, as well as illustrations, which are intended to help the reader grasp and internalize the intricate laws on muktze. A Practical Guide to Muktze also provides up-to-date rulings on the latest appliances and popular...- $22.95
$22.95- $22.95
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Alternative Medicine in Halachah
SECOND EDITION Until now, a great deal of confusion has prevailed regarding the halachic status of energy medicine. Is hands-on healing a form of avodah zarah? May one consult a kinesiologist? Is homeopathy permitted? Many rabbanim and poskimare not necessarily familiar with these modalities,...- $32.99
$32.99- $32.99
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Asher Yatzar
Understanding the Wondrous Body, Meaning, Halachah, Lessons and Stories We recite this brachah throughout the day. Yet how often do we stop to think - really think - about the meaning of the words or the constant miracles we merit on a daily basis? Acclaimed...- $24.99
$24.99- $24.99
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Bar Mitzva & Tefillin Secrets
The Mysteries Revealed A Bar Mitzvah at the age of thirteen is a once in a lifetime event. The special significance of this time, the essence of what it means to be Bar Mitzvah, and the rewards and responsibilities that come with it are...- $25.99
$25.99- $25.99
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Bathing and Showering in Halachah
Shabbos, Yom Tov, the Nine Days, and more - May one shower before davening? - Is a hot shower permitted on Yom Tov? - Is a cold shower permitted on Shabbos? - Under what conditions may one shower during the Nine Days? - May...- $22.99
$22.99- $22.99
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Birchas Chassanim
Inyanei sheva brachos, based on the Gemara Kesubos. Includes an overview of the halachos and minhagim of sheva brachos. By Rabbi Nissan Kaplan- $14.99
$14.99- $14.99
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Bless and Be Blessed
A detailed review of all the laws pertaining to Birkas Kohanim following the order of the Shulchan Aruch May a levi walk in front of one davening the Shemoneh Esrei to wash the hands of the kohen? May one sit while listening to the...- $22.95
$22.95- $22.95
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Bris Milah Secrets
The Mysteries Revealed What great reward do the parents receive for bringing a new soul into the Jewish nation? Why is Eliyahu Hanavi present at every bris and also when a baby girl is named? Why is wine placed in the baby's mouth during...- $32.99
$32.99- $32.99
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But I Thought...
Common Misconceptions & Little-Known Halachos & Facts You grew up learning it that way since you were in kindergarten. You always assumed you had it right-until you learned otherwise! Did you know... that there is no actual obligation for a chassan and kallah to...- $22.95
$22.95- $22.95
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Cancer in Halachah
Halachic Considerations in Cancer Prevention and ManagementIncludes practical information and guidance Few words in the dictionary are more frightening than "cancer." For Torah-observant Jews, there is an added element of complexity when it comes to cancer, whether regarding preventive measures or, R"l, an actual...- $27.99
$27.99- $27.99
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Chasunah Secrets
The Mysteries Revealed Do you know why a kallah carries flowers? Or what kind of candle should be used when walking a chassan or kallah down the aisle? Or the importance of the type of veil worn by the kallah? A Jewish wedding and...- $27.99
$27.99- $27.99
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Code for the Road
A DRIVER'S HALACHIC COMPANION WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN: ...You're involved in an accident? ...You dented a car that was parked illegally and blocked you? ...You'd like to drive after lighting Shabbos candles? These, and many other halachic quandaries, are addressed in the Code...- $8.95
$8.95- $8.95
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Days Are Coming
An In-Depth Analysis of the Practical Halachos Relevant to Visiting the Bais Hamikdash May one enter the Bais Hamikdash... ...with a baby carriage? ...with a wallet/checkbook/credit card? order to daven? order to observe the goings-on there? In Days Are Coming you will...- $12.95
$12.95- $12.95
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Dirshu Mishnah Berurah Daf Yomi B'Halacha Ed. vol 15 Siman 495-529
The Dirshu Mishnah Berurah contains elements that will be craved by talmidei chachamim and laymen alike: 1) Halacha lema'aseh rulings on new modern day shailos 2) Previously unpublished insights noted on the pages of the personal Mishna Berurahs of Gedolei Yisrael 3) Additions and...- $3.00
$3.00- $3.00
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Dirshu Mishnah Berurah Daf Yomi B'Halacha Pocket Size 38 Volume Boxed Set
The Dirshu Mishnah Berurah contains elements that will be craved by talmidei chachamim and laymen alike: 1) Halacha lema'aseh rulings on new modern day shailos 2) Previously unpublished insights noted on the pages of the personal Mishna Berurahs of Gedolei Yisrael 3) Additions and...- $64.99
$64.99- $64.99
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Dirshu Mishnah Berurah Daf Yomi B'Halacha Pocket Size VOL 29, Siman 495-509
The Dirshu Mishnah Berurah contains elements that will be craved by talmidei chachamim and laymen alike: 1) Halacha lema'aseh rulings on new modern day shailos 2) Previously unpublished insights noted on the pages of the personal Mishna Berurahs of Gedolei Yisrael 3) Additions and...- $2.00
$2.00- $2.00
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Dirshu Mishnah Berurah Daf Yomi B'Halacha Pocket Size VOL 30, Siman 510-529
The Dirshu Mishnah Berurah contains elements that will be craved by talmidei chachamim and laymen alike: 1) Halacha lema'aseh rulings on new modern day shailos 2) Previously unpublished insights noted on the pages of the personal Mishna Berurahs of Gedolei Yisrael 3) Additions and...- $2.00
$2.00- $2.00
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Dirshu Mishnah Berurah Daf Yomi B'Halacha Pocket Size VOL 31, Siman 530-550
The Dirshu Mishnah Berurah contains elements that will be craved by talmidei chachamim and laymen alike: 1) Halacha lema'aseh rulings on new modern day shailos 2) Previously unpublished insights noted on the pages of the personal Mishna Berurahs of Gedolei Yisrael 3) Additions and...- $2.00
$2.00- $2.00
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