Children / Teens
I'm a Winner #5 - Taking Only with Permission
Kibbud Av V'EmI'm Stronger than the Yetzer Hara Yitzy apologized once more and said then,"I won't do it ever again!Without permission I'll never take.This time it was a big mistake!"And Mommy patted Yitzy's head."You've learned an important lesson," she said. SMALL VICTORIES is a...- $12.99
$12.99- $12.99
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Jewish Valor Series: Yeshivah Under Fire #2
ComicsMiraculous escape from Vilna to ShanghaiThe Second World War and the Holocaust were the most significant events in the history of the Jewish Nation in recent times.One episode that occurred during this stormy period of time was the miraculous escape of a group of...- $23.99
$23.99- $23.99
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Magna Carta
Comics Little Dan finds himself in big trouble. Sir Hugo will do anything to get out of paying his debts to Rav Yaakov, Dan's father. He's even willing to go behind King John's back and imprison Dan's whole family in the London Tower. Little Dan...- $23.99
$23.99- $23.99
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Haggadah for Teens
Calling all teens! Experience Yetzias Mitzrayim like never before with this fun and captivating haggadah, which promises to transform your journey through Maggid into an unforgettable adventure! Short bursts of inspiration from a wide variety of sources. Dramatized narrative of Yetzias Mitzrayim, to make you...- $24.99
$24.99- $24.99
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Mastering Your Mind
10 Proven Life Hacks for Teenage Happiness & Success Ready to transform your life? Whether you're a Jewish teen seeking happiness and success or a parent/educator providing emotional support to a young adult, look no further than Mastering Your Mind. Renowned psychotherapist and columnist...- $22.99
$22.99- $22.99
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The Story of The Chazon Ish
Rav Avraham Yeshaya Karelitz, the Chazon Ish, was a gaon and gadol hador whose brilliance in Torah, devotion to Hashem, and love of his fellow Jews changed the Jewish world in recent times. Although he was a towering talmid chachameven while living in Europe,...- $16.99
$16.99- $16.99
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Go for the Gold
Comics Out pickingberries for their mother one day, Avraham and Esther Katz are horrified towitness a train robbery taking place, with two bandits stealing the neighboringSioux Indians' gold! Little do they realize that this is only the beginning ofa dangerous and frightening adventure for...- $26.99
$26.99- $26.99
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Tales Out of Middos Town #3: Mr. Farginner & Mr. Mekaneh
Middos Town is having its grand fundraising campaign andcontest, and Mr. Mekaneh is set on winning it. But his jealousy of the otherparticipants is sucking all the joy and fun out of the competition for him! On the other hand, Mr. Farginner, who is...- $21.99
$21.99- $21.99
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What Makes Me Special?
Mommy tells Penina that she is "special." Why am I special? Penina wonders. Is it because I am smart? Is it because I am friendly? Maybe it's because of my nice hair? Penina is pretty sure there is more to it than that. Join...- $14.99
$14.99- $14.99
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Every Family is Special
Bina B'simchah is not very b'simchah these days. How can she be, when there are so many things the Cohen family gets to do that her family does not? Then Bina's dream comes true - or at least, she thinks it does - and she...- $14.99
$14.99- $14.99
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King Shlomai - The House of Pleasures
Comics Shaltiel and Yerachmiel grew up in the court of King Shlomai. That was the only world they knew. They had a wonderful life and never thought that anything would change. But one day, everything did. King Shlomai sent them both out of the...- $23.99
$23.99- $23.99
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A Fateful Bet
The Comic! Based on a story by Rabbi Marcus Lehmann Dear Children, You're invited to join us for an exciting adventure that is full of twists and turns. Follow in the footsteps of Daniel the Wise from the German city of Worms. Together we...- $21.99
$21.99- $21.99
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A Legacy of Leaders - Children's Edition
Inspiring Stories & Biographies of Sephardi Hachamim How did the people of Yerushalayim discover the astounding greatness of their "simple" shamash, R' Shalom Shar'aby? What did R' Haim Pinto command Rahab, the malach of the sea, to do, and how did this incredible story...- $22.99
$22.99- $22.99
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Molly's Fancy Hat
The Magic of Positive Self-Image Ayala needs glasses, but she's not very happy about it. She doesn't like how she looks in them and is embarrassed to wear them in public. Then Mommy tells her a hilarious story about Molly and her flowery, fancy...- $14.99
$14.99- $14.99
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Timeless Tales: Masterful Meshalim #3 - The Netziv
Comics Harav Naftali Tzvi Yehudah Berlin The Netziv You're invited to join Zeidy Ephraim and his grandson Yanky in a fascinating new series. Each volume has interesting meshalim from Torah greats. This time the meshalim are all from the Netziv - Harav Naftali Tzvi Yehudah...- $19.99
$19.99- $19.99
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1,001 Questions & Answers vol. 1 - Yiddish
A Jewish Quiz Book - Yiddish EditionA delightful resource full of questions and answers on topics pertaining to a wide range of Torah and Judaic subjects. Fifty quizzes per book. Suitable for all age groups. Great for teachers, parents, summer camps etc. By Eli...- $9.95
$9.95- $9.95
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Story Tyme with Rabbi Juravel - The 39 Melachos of Shabbos
Children's Audio CD - 3 CD Set When it comes to giving over the parshah or a lesson, or telling a great story, no one does it like Rabbi Juravel! Veteran mechanech and master storyteller Rabbi Juravel has been enthralling kids for decades with...- $19.95
$19.95- $19.95
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Rabbi Juravel Torah Trivia Match-ups Game
Ages 8 and up Hello, everyone! Hello, Kinderlach! Let's talk about yedios klaliyos - general knowledge of different Torah topics. We know it's important to know as much Torah as possible! This game will help you remember different halachos and yedios (facts and general)...- $8.99
$8.99- $8.99
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23 Under 1 Roof - Vol. 12: Lamb on the Loose
Nothing that happens in the Schneider household is normal! What happens when... ...Lali decides that the pen of Buma the lamb is in the wrong place? ...Gila lets Buma loose on Shabbos morning? ...Buma tries to invite herself over for a seudah at the...- $26.99
$24.99- $26.99
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Middos Malka Book & CD - Volume 3
Zahava Learns Zerizus - Book & Read-Along CD Meet MiddosMalka - lovable, kind, and ready to help out in any middos emergency! As MiddosMan's cousin, MiddosMalka knows exactly what it takes to help kids with their middos. Together with her friends the Fluffies, she...- $24.99
$24.99- $24.99
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