A Matter of Trust

SKU: L849
A NovelIn a seedy restaurant in Brooklyn, Michael Adamson saves David Silver's life. They become fast friends and David introduces Michael to the world of Torah Judaism.

Over time, the two friends stop seeing eye-to-eye on major issues and their friendship dissolves, but not without major repercussions...

The years pass yet the seeds of anger and lack of trust were already sown. Independently, Michael and David enlist in the US army and find themselves in Iraq, fighting the war against terrorism. But whose side is David really on? Is he friend or foe?

Once he finishes his army service, Michael answers that burning question and decides to take a stand. Meanwhile his sister Grace is busy grappling with a Silver of her own, David's sister and her supervisor, Mindy. And considering Mindy's traumatic past, that isn't an easy task.

A Matter of Trust. A tale of friendship and truth. A tale of betrayal and lies. Get ready for another compelling novel by Esther Toker, author of Family Fraud, Common Denominator, and Hostage.

SKU: L849

Author: Esther Toker
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-60091-506-2
Length: 336
Media: Book
Publisher: Tfutza Publications
Release Date:

A Matter of Trust

A Matter of Trust


A Matter of Trust


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