Housekeepers, Live-ins, Aides, Babysitters, Repairmen, and More A Comprehensive Halachic Guide to the Laws of Hired Help in the Home - How can yichud be avoided when a babysitter comes to a home to watch boys?
- Under what conditions may one benefit from work done for him on Shabbos by a non-Jewish live-in?
- May a non-Jewish electrician be left alone in one's home?
- Is it permitted to "steal" another person's cleaning lady by offering her more money?
- How soon after completing a job must a worker be paid?
Rabbi Menachem M. Abramson's latest
sefer addresses these questions and much more. The wide-ranging
halachic issues that relate to hired workers in the Jewish home are discussed one by one in Rabbi Abramson’s thorough, deliberate, and clear style. Each of the
sefer's chapters introduces another of these issues and then proceeds to examine its practical
halachic ramifications in the many common situations involving employees in the Jewish home.