Heroes of Faith

SKU: L616
100 Rabbinical Tales of the Holocaust

The Jewish People are an eternal nation. While we have flourished and prospered during many golden ages, our true mark of greatness lies in the way we face our challenges, struggles, and difficult times. If during these painful moments we can still cling to our faith and proclaim Hashem as our loving Father and King, we can be assured that He will step in to help us once again, and that our nation will always continue to survive and thrive. 

Like its predecessor Heroes of Spirit, Heroes of Faith is a dazzling collection of stories that portray the splendor of the Jewish nation, even during the dark days of the Holocaust and under Russian rule. Each story depicts a gadol b'Yisrael, whether Litvishe, Chassidishe, or Sephardic, or another great personality, whose actions lifted the status of mankind in an otherwise corrupt and hate-filled world. 
Be moved as you read of the Belzer Rebbe's brachah to one very determined woman and her two sons. 

Be inspired by the account of how Rav Elchanan Wasserman marched serenely to his death, his every word and thought directed toward teshuvah and being mekadesh Shem Shamayim

Be astonished by the miracles, both small and large, performed by a caring Father whose love for His children, although many times hidden, is always there. 

Be proud of the legacy of the Jewish nation, whose faith in and devotion to their Creator never diminishes, even in the blackest of nights.

By Rabbi Dovid Hoffman

SKU: L616

Author: Rabbi Dovid Hoffman
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-60091-261-0
Length: 440
Media: Book
Publisher: Israel Bookshop Publications
Release Date:

Heroes of Faith

Heroes of Faith


Heroes of Faith


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