Nine out of Ten

SKU: L318A
The Astonishing Story of a Jewish Family's Will to Outlive the Nazis
At the war's end, the piteous, battered remnants of a once-proud Hungarian Jewry began making their way back to their hometowns in search of fellow survivors. 

The Katz family was no different.  Or were they?  This is their story - and what a story it was!  Resourcefulness, courage and amazing acts of heroism, showing kindness toward their fellow Jews, at the risk of their very lives; flight, imprisonment, deportation and escape; hope, despair, prayer and faith; these are some of the elements that combine to create a Holocaust saga unlike any you've ever heard before - until now.

By: Dr. Moshe Katz, Nachman Seltzer

SKU: L318A

Author: Dr. Moshe Katz, Nachman Seltzer
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 1-931681-97-X
Length: 232
Media: Book
Publisher: Israel Bookshop Publications
Release Date:

Nine out of Ten

Nine out of Ten


Nine out of Ten


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