Halachos of tefillah b’tzibbur that encompass many sugyos in Shas and poskim. Includes over 600 she’eilos and teshuvos, with psakim from the gedolim of our generation. Topics include: Davening in a yeshivah Additions for Shabbos Tevilas Ezra Tefillah b’tzibbur and helping one’s wife at home Kavanah in davening Ma’ariv before tzeis hakochavim Having a guf naki for tefillah …and much more Includes haskamos...
A Woman's role in building her home, upholding her husbands's Torah, and bringing the Shechinah into Klal Yisrael The role of a Jewish woman is as unique as it is—seemingly—paradoxical. She is a different individual than her husband, yet she is fundamentally part of...
Halachic Discussions on How to Use Your Ma'aser Includes an in-depth discussion on wealth, poverty, and benefits of tzedakah Letters in the mail. Knocks at the door. Requests in shul. Online campaigns. Throughout the day, there are countless opportunities to give tzedakah – and...
Halachos of tefillah b’tzibbur that encompass many sugyos in Shas and poskim. Includes over 600 she’eilos and teshuvos, with psakim from the gedolim of our generation. Topics include: Davening in a yeshivah Additions for Shabbos Tevilas Ezra Tefillah b’tzibbur and helping one’s wife at home Kavanah in davening Ma’ariv before tzeis hakochavim Having a guf naki for tefillah …and much more Includes haskamos...
A Woman's role in building her home, upholding her husbands's Torah, and bringing the Shechinah into Klal Yisrael The role of a Jewish woman is as unique as it is—seemingly—paradoxical. She is a different individual than her husband, yet she is fundamentally part of...
Halachic Discussions on How to Use Your Ma'aser Includes an in-depth discussion on wealth, poverty, and benefits of tzedakah Letters in the mail. Knocks at the door. Requests in shul. Online campaigns. Throughout the day, there are countless opportunities to give tzedakah – and...
America under attack! Terror plots, years in the making, are secretly launched. Will the terrorist rogues succeed? One Jewish family, thrust into the center of the seething cauldron, struggles mightily to try and prevent the mass murder that is about to take place. Read all about it in Plan B: A Novel of Suspense and Deceit.
Halachos of tefillah b’tzibbur that encompass many sugyos in Shas and poskim. Includes over 600 she’eilos and teshuvos, with psakim from the gedolim of our generation. Topics include: Davening in a yeshivah Additions for Shabbos Tevilas Ezra Tefillah b’tzibbur and helping one’s wife at home Kavanah in davening Ma’ariv before tzeis hakochavim Having a guf naki for tefillah …and much more Includes haskamos...
A Woman's role in building her home, upholding her husbands's Torah, and bringing the Shechinah into Klal Yisrael The role of a Jewish woman is as unique as it is—seemingly—paradoxical. She is a different individual than her husband, yet she is fundamentally part of...
Halachic Discussions on How to Use Your Ma'aser Includes an in-depth discussion on wealth, poverty, and benefits of tzedakah Letters in the mail. Knocks at the door. Requests in shul. Online campaigns. Throughout the day, there are countless opportunities to give tzedakah – and...
Halachos of tefillah b’tzibbur that encompass many sugyos in Shas and poskim. Includes over 600 she’eilos and teshuvos, with psakim from the gedolim of our generation. Topics include: Davening in a yeshivah Additions for Shabbos Tevilas Ezra Tefillah b’tzibbur and helping one’s wife at home Kavanah in davening Ma’ariv before tzeis hakochavim Having a guf naki for tefillah …and much more Includes haskamos...
A Woman's role in building her home, upholding her husbands's Torah, and bringing the Shechinah into Klal Yisrael The role of a Jewish woman is as unique as it is—seemingly—paradoxical. She is a different individual than her husband, yet she is fundamentally part of...
Halachic Discussions on How to Use Your Ma'aser Includes an in-depth discussion on wealth, poverty, and benefits of tzedakah Letters in the mail. Knocks at the door. Requests in shul. Online campaigns. Throughout the day, there are countless opportunities to give tzedakah – and...