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This is a fantastic and important addition to the growing world of halachic literature regarding Shemiras Halashon, and specifically to the seforim of the holy Chofetz Chaim zt"l. Sefer Chofetz Chaim
"the classic authority on hilchos lashon hara and rechilus" has been immeasurably enhanced by the appearance of this new edition.
Re-set in clear, flowing type, the book includes a running elucidation alongside the main body of the text, explaining difficult words and concepts, so that the sefer is now open for all to understand, both young and old. For the scholar, this edition includes the now-famous "musafim" feature that is present in the hugely popular Dirshu-edition Mishnah Berurah set.
These additional notes include cross-references to other places in which the Chofetz Chaim discusses the same halachah, comments and rulings of contemporary and classic poskimon similar scenarios and situations, and general notes that illuminate and clarify the critically important teachings of the Chofetz Chaim on these all-important laws of speech and social interaction.
The softcover Volume One covers the first thirty days of daily study, to be followed by Volume Two and then the publication of the full edition in hardcover.
SKU: L735
Author: Dirshu
Format: Softcover
Length: 248
Media: Book
Publisher: Dirshu
Release Date: