A Comprehensive Guide to the 39 Melachos While there exists a plethora of sefarim on hilchos Shabbos, never before has the topic been covered in such a comprehensive yet simplified manner. In Shamor V'zachor, veteran mechanech Rabbi Reuven Levine takes readers-both tweens/teens and adults-by the hand and walks them through each melachah, from A to Z.
First the background to each melachah is given-how and why it was performed for the Mishkan, and then the practical applications-the various ways the melachah is relevant nowadays-are explained. Each concept is fully illustrated, and the text is color-coded in a way that enhances the reader's understanding and retention of the material. Also included is a "test yourself" section, which quizzes readers on what the halachah is in various situations, based on the information they've been given.
Ideal for family learning, this illustrated guide to the 39 melachos will fast become a favorite at your Shabbos table!
By Rabbi Reuven Levine