The Ambassadors-Beyond the Sambatyon River

A fascinating, breathtaking journey in the footsteps of the Baal Ha'akdamus to the land of the ten lost tribes

Dear Children,

I'm happy to inform you that you've been chosen for a very important and responsible job. You have been chosen to serve as "ambassadors"! And not just any ambassador of one country or another, but ambassadors of all of Am Yisrael, through the generations.

Do you want to know what's involved in this job? You're invited to find out.   

As ambassadors I invite you to take your first journey, together with Reb Emmanuel, Yanky, Shimmy and Dovi. You will set out on a trip like you've never taken before. It's an imaginary journey, but all the places we will visit are real, and all the events that take place are absolutely true.

Our journey this time is in the footsteps of the Baal Ha'Akdamus and his visit to the land of the ten  lost  tribes,  beyond  the  Sambatyon  River.  It's a wonderful,  moving  story that  teaches us how much HaKadosh Baruch Hu loves Am Yisrael  and makes sure to save them from all the enemies who rise up against them. It's also a story of real mesirus nefesh of Yidden who gave up everything in their lives to save their brothers from danger. Beyond that, it's the story of yearning and longing for the day when we will see the ingathering of all of Am Yisrael by Mashiach, may it be speedily in our days.

M. Safra


Author: M. Safra
Format: Hardcover
Illustrator: Yaakov Hanon
ISBN: 978-1-60091-448-5
Length: 56
Media: Book
Publisher: Tfutza Publications
Release Date:

The Ambassadors-Beyond the Sambatyon River

The Ambassadors-Beyond the Sambatyon River


The Ambassadors-Beyond the Sambatyon River


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