The Parshah and YOU (2 volume set)

SKU: L760
Insights and Lessons for Personal Growth

The Parsha and You is a unique collection of essays designed to enhance the family’s Shabbos table and to improve many vital areas of one’s daily living and interpersonal relationships. 
Rabbi Morgenstern gives practical, down-to-earth advice on enhancing shalom bayis; improving one’s parenting potential; acquiring a more meaningful Shabbos and Yom Yov; coping with insults, anger, and life‘s challenges; bitachon and hishtadlus; shidduchim and dating; and more…

With hundreds of sources from the Torah, Chazal, early commentaries, and contemporary rabbanim, Rabbi Morgenstern provides the reader with the option of doing additional research on each topic. Also included is a special section on avoiding lashon hara in shidduchim, plus a Yamim Nora’im supplement. 

By reviewing and applying the themes of each essay, the reader will have the tools to acquire a more meaningful life.

By: Rabbi Chaim Morgenstern

SKU: L760

Author: Rabbi Chaim Morgenstern
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-60091-409-6
Length: 2 volumes
Media: Book
Publisher: Israel Bookshop Publications
Release Date:

The Parshah and YOU (2 volume set)

The Parshah and YOU (2 volume set)


The Parshah and YOU (2 volume set)


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