The Rebbetzin Loved Me!

SKU: R116
Rebbetzin Kanievsky: Stories of Her Life & Stories She Told

In The Rebbetzin Loved Me, you will read about the story of young Batsheva growing up in Meah She'arim in the home of Rav and Rebbetzin Elyashiv, and how she became the legendary Rebbetzin Kanievsky, wife of the gaon Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlit"a. You will read about the thousands of people whose lives she affected, about the yeshuos she helped bring about for them, about the souls she touched on a daily basis. Read about her great heart, her concern for each Jew, and why each and every person who crossed her path truly felt: The Rebbetzin Loved Me

by: Sarah Leon

SKU: R116

Author: Sarah Leon
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-9844921-8-3
Length: 280
Media: Book
Publisher: Israel Bookshop Publications
Release Date:

The Rebbetzin Loved Me!

The Rebbetzin Loved Me!


The Rebbetzin Loved Me!


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