Winning the War

SKU: C634T

Fascinating parables from leading Maggidim about how to overcome our yetzer hara and really grow 

Special tzaddikim and gedolei Torah over the generations up until today have been blessed to use their words in a wondrous way, to inspire, enchant and enlighten Am Yisrael. These are the great maggidim, whose amazing meshalim â€" parables, are as interesting as they are meaningful. Famous names such as Rav Shalom Schwadron, zt"l, Rav Shabsai Yudelevitz, zt"l, Rav Yaakov Galinsky, zt"l, and others like them. They were all maggidim

This book, the fourth in the series of Travels with the Maggidim, presents four wonderful stories with important messages. Each one can strengthen our avodas Hashem by helping us overcome the twisted, sneaky ways of the yetzer hara.

Wishing all Klal Yisrael closeness to Hashem, and an abundance of blessings,

M. Safra

SKU: C634T

Author: M. Safra
Format: Hardcover
Illustrator: Yaakov Hanon
ISBN: 978-1-60091-951-0
Length: 58
Media: Book
Publisher: Tfutza Publications
Release Date:
2022-03-01 00:00:00 -0500

Winning the War

Winning the War


Winning the War


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