Gift Ideas
$10 egift Card
Looking for the perfect gift? Why not send an Israel Bookshop eGift Card for that special occasion. eGift Cards are delivered via email to the recipient's email address that you supply us with. They are not physical cards that are mailed to the home....- $10.00
- $10.00
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$100 egift Card
Looking for the perfect gift? Why not send an Israel Bookshop eGift Card for that special occasion. eGift Cards are delivered via email to the recipient's email address that you supply us with. They are not physical cards that are mailed to the home....- $100.00
- $100.00
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- per
$18 egift Card
Looking for the perfect gift? Why not send an Israel Bookshop eGift Card for that special occasion. eGift Cards are delivered via email to the recipient's email address that you supply us with. They are not physical cards that are mailed to the home....- $18.00
- $18.00
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$25 egift Card
Looking for the perfect gift? Why not send an Israel Bookshop eGift Card for that special occasion. eGift Cards are delivered via email to the recipient's email address that you supply us with. They are not physical cards that are mailed to the home....- $25.00
- $25.00
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- per
$250 egift Card
Looking for the perfect gift? Why not send an Israel Bookshop eGift Card for that special occasion. eGift Cards are delivered via email to the recipient's email address that you supply us with. They are not physical cards that are mailed to the home....- $250.00
- $250.00
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- per
$50 egift Card
Looking for the perfect gift? Why not send an Israel Bookshop eGift Card for that special occasion. eGift Cards are delivered via email to the recipient's email address that you supply us with. They are not physical cards that are mailed to the home....- $50.00
- $50.00
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- per
$75 egift Card
Looking for the perfect gift? Why not send an Israel Bookshop eGift Card for that special occasion. eGift Cards are delivered via email to the recipient's email address that you supply us with. They are not physical cards that are mailed to the home....- $75.00
- $75.00
- Unit price
- per
*SCRATCH AND DENT* The Best of Mexican Kosher Cooking
Mexican food is colorful, flavorful, and exciting both on the table and to your taste buds. In this cookbook you will find: 100% authentically kosher Mexican cuisine, over 90 recipes, all accompanied by beautiful full-color photos, menus for a party, a dairy melaveh malkah,...- $24.95
$24.95- $24.95
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23 Under 1 Roof - Vol. 10: Scattered Schneiders
Nothing that happens in the Schneider household is normal! What happens when... ...Abba and Ima must suddenly travel to England? ...Lali decides to save endangered fish? ...the boys want their sisters to buy a strange birthday present? ...Bentzy, Shuey, and Tuli set out on...- $26.99
$24.99- $26.99
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23 Under 1 Roof - Vol. 11: Making Dreams Come True
Nothing that happens in the Schneider household is normal! What happens when... ...Lali wins a little lamb? ...Buma the lamb escapes one night into the great unknown? ...Tully discovers mysterious treats? ...Hundreds of Yoni's coins run away? Come along and share in the latest...- $26.99
$24.99- $26.99
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23 Under 1 Roof - Vol. 8: The Longest Day
Nothing that happens in the Schneider household is normal! What happens when... ...Lali locks the door of her school's library without knowing who's still inside? ...Yoni begins training messenger pigeons? ...Yehudah, the chassan, is missing a fork and the children go fetch him one?...- $26.99
$24.99- $26.99
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23 Under 1 Roof - Vol. 9: Touring Eretz Yisrael
Nothing that happens in the Schneider household is normal! What happens when... ...One of Yoni's pigeons escapes? ...Bentzy and Tuli enter the Churvah Shul building site? ...Uncle Yaakov, Yoni, and Motty, get stuck in the middle of the desert, and it begins to rain?...- $26.99
$24.99- $26.99
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23 Under 1 Roof: The Big Surprise
Twenty-three people. Twenty-one kids. One big family under one roof makes for one big adventure! With twenty-one kids, the Schneiders are the biggest family in their neighborhood. Including Ima and Abba, they're practically a double dozen. And with a family like the Schneiders there's...- $26.99
$24.99- $26.99
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A Life of Torah
Hacham Ovadia Yosef: Inspiring Stories about the Prince of Torah and Leader of the Generation He was the boy who finished an entire difficult and long sefer by learning it on the short bus ride to and from yeshivah each day. He was the...- $23.99
$23.99- $23.99
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A Living Sefer Torah
Whether it's finishing all of Shas and poskim once a year; learning a masechta in his sleep; or getting lost in his Gemara while sitting in a tiny chair in a kindergarten classroom, the genius and hasmadah of Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlit"a are legendary....- $23.99
$23.99- $23.99
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A Mashal & A Message
Classic Fables of Rav Berachya ben Rav Natronai Hanakdan THERE IS NOTHING LIKE A MASHAL to bring home an important message, especially to children! In this fabulous book, animal fables - some of them hundreds of years old, and handed down through the generations...- $22.95
$22.95- $22.95
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A Story! with Rabbi Juravel 3
Shalom and Simchah Rabbi Juravel, everyone's favorite storyteller, is back once again! In the A Story! with Rabbi Juravel series, kids will find terrific stories that focus on specific topics. The stories all contain the same wonderful blend of excitement, middos tovos, and yiras...- $19.99
$19.99- $19.99
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A Warm Heart
As one of our foremost gedolei hador, Maran Harav Shteinman shlit"a is a giant in Torah and yiras Shamayim. Additionally, his warmth and sensitivity are legendary and felt by all who come into contact with him. Whether it's Rav Shteinman's refusal to take on a...- $23.99
$23.99- $23.99
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Adventures of the Levy Family: Lower East Side 3
Herschel's BattleThe third and final book in the popular historical novel series. Life's a whirl with hectic excitement for Herschel Abraham. He is busy preparing for the position of rav which he will take after his wedding, while still devoting time to mentoring and...- $16.95
$16.95- $16.95
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As a Father Cares For His Son
And Other Stories About Maran Elazar Menachem Mann Shach zt"l Rav Shach was a true Torah leader in every sense. He was the rosh yeshivah of the roshei yeshivah; the talmid chacham whose Torah knowledge was mind-boggling; the masmid who was happy to give...- $23.99
$23.99- $23.99
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