High Holidays
*SCRATCH AND DENT* Gems from the Nesivos Shalom: Yamim Noraim
Nesivos Sholom. One of the most widely celebrated volumes on Jewish thought in recent history. The magnum opus of Reb Sholom Noach Berezovsky ztz"l, saintly rebbe of a vibrant Chassidic dynasty, the impact of the Nesivos Sholom extends well beyond the tight-knit enclave of...- $30.99
$30.99- $30.99
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All Eyes on the Kohen Gadol
The Kohen Gadol's Avodah in the Beis Hamikdash on Yom Kippur During the course of his service on Yom Kippur, the Kohen Gadol pronounces Hashem’s sacred Name ten times. When the other kohanim and the people crowded in the Temple courtyard hear the Name...- $44.99
$44.99- $44.99
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Bless and Be Blessed
A detailed review of all the laws pertaining to Birkas Kohanim following the order of the Shulchan Aruch May a levi walk in front of one davening the Shemoneh Esrei to wash the hands of the kohen? May one sit while listening to the...- $22.95
$22.95- $22.95
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Cooking for the King
Winning recipes for Shabbos and yom tov - Rosh Hashanah Tishrei can be overwhelming, with so many meals and dishes to prepare. Renee Chernin brings you easy-to-prepare, custom-tailored-for-the-day dishes you won't be able to resist. From the Mango-granate Barbecued Fish to the delectable Beets...- $14.95
$14.95- $14.95
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Dorash Dovid Mo'adim 2 Volume Set (Hebrew)
What is the purpose of the obligation for every Jew to view himself as if he personally left Mitzrayim? Is the Korban Pesach an individual offering or a communal one? Why is the declaration, "Next year in Yerushalayim," part of the Seder night? In...- $21.90
$21.90- $21.90
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Dorash Dovid Mo'adim: Rosh Hashana - Purim
Dorash Dovid on Elul, Yomim Noraim, Sukkos, Chanukah and Purim. Penetrating questions. Insightful answers. Dorash Dovid on Mo'adim follows the style of the popular 3-volume Dorash Dovid on Chumash. An in-depth analysis of the salient points regarding each holiday, in an easy-to-read style designed...- $10.95
$10.95- $10.95
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Dorash Dovid: Moadim 2 Volume Set (English) SERIES II
Insights & Essays on the Moadim Why does tzedakah annul decrees of suffering and save a person from death? What is the difference between the Divine judgment of Rosh Hashanah and the judgment passed on an individual at other times? Why does the Torah...- $29.95
$29.95- $29.95
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Dorash Dovid: Moadim 4 Volume Slipcased Set (English)
Insights & Essays on the Moadim In this unique work, Rav Dovid Hofstedter, Nasi of the internationally acclaimed Dirshu Torah organization, presents deep insights into the moadim of Pesach and Shavuos, as well as Sefiras Ha'omer, the Three Weeks, Tishah B'Av, Rosh Chodesh and...- $33.71
$44.95- $33.71
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Einei Yisroel - Rabbi Yisroel Belsky on The Moadim and Hilchos Teshuva
The Moadim and Hilchos Teshuva If going through the Tshuva process in the past has sometimes felt overwhelming, you can now benefit from the Rosh Yeshiva zt"l's steering you in the right direction. In the highly acclaimed Einei Yisroel series on the Torah, Rav...- $22.99
$22.99- $22.99
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Eshel Avrohom
Perspective and Hashkafah of Sefer Bereishis and Chodesh Tishrei Transcribed from shiurim of Rav Avrohom Yosef Davis- $14.95
$14.95- $14.95
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Have an Olomeinu Tishrei! Vol. 1
A Tishrei compilation of the original pages of Olomeinu magazine For generations, the Olomeinu magazine was cherished by Jewish readers of all ages, from across North America and beyond. Now you can enjoy its quality reading all over again! Have an Olomeinu Tishrei! Volume...- $24.95
$24.95- $24.95
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Have an Olomeinu Tishrei! Vol. 2
A Tishrei compilation of the original pages of Olomeinu magazine For generations, the Olomeinu magazine was cherished by Jewish readers of all ages, from across North America and beyond. Now you can enjoy its quality reading all over again! Have an Olomeinu Tishrei! Volume...- $24.95
$24.95- $24.95
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How Sweet is the Light - Umasok Ha'or - Elul and Rosh Hashanah
Stories and Insights to Delight and Inspire What strategies can we use to be judged favorably on Rosh Hashanah? What happens in the Heavenly Court on the Days of Judgment? What powerful lessons can be learned from the mitzvah of shofar? What is the...- $27.95
$27.95- $27.95
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Is Dovid Big?
The Step-by-Step Reading Series Oh, how little Dovid just can't wait to be big! Throughout the day on Rosh Hashanah, Dovid carefully watches and tries to copy Totty and Eli, his big brother. However, it is not as simple as he imagined. Will his...- $10.95
$10.95- $10.95
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Just Imagine! Your Day in Court
An original, fascinating portrayal of the judgment period from Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur. Dear Children, I'm sure you all know about the trial that's just around the corner. The month of Elul is a time for us to prepare for this special trial,...- $26.99
$24.99- $26.99
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Kitzur Halachos 6 Volume Slipcased Set (Ziv Hamoadim)
A clear and concise guide to all the halachos of: Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Sukkah and Daled Minim Yom Tov and Chol Hamoed Chanukah and Purim Pesach and Sefiras Haomer The Three Weeks Based on the Mishnah Berurah. By Rabbi Zev Hofstedter ...- $119.99
$119.99- $119.99
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Kitzur Halachos Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur
The Halachos of Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur Based on the Mishnah Berurah A clear and concise guide to all the halachos of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, based on the Mishnah Berurah, by Rabbi Zev Hofstedter.- $20.99
$20.99- $20.99
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Kitzur Hilchos Shabbos/Yom Tov Slipcase Set
Learn the laws of Shabbos and Yom Tov in a clear and pleasurable way Sefer Kitzur Hilchos Shabbos was first written as a Hebrew textbook, when the author began teaching hilchos Shabbos at the Rika Breuers Teachers Seminary. The original paperback sefer soon grew...- $39.95
$39.95- $39.95
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Kuntrus Matnas Chaim - Yamim Noraim
Elul and the Yomim Noraim take on a whole new significance and vibrance when under the guidance of the Mashgiach shlit"a! His wholesome and practical advice coupled a with penetrating overview and analyses are a recipe for success during these crucial days.- $10.99
$10.99- $10.99
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Leket Reshimos: Elul, Yomim Noraim
Short refreshing "nuggets of knowledge" from the late Mashgiach of Lakewood Yeshiva, HRH"G Rav Nosson Wachtfogel, zt"l. The concise format and clear language make this the perfect accompaniment to the days of Elul and the Yomim Noraim - for scholar and layman alike!- $11.00
$11.00- $11.00
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