Life Cycle
Nachalas Hashem
Suggestions and Segulahs for Having Children A compilation of ideas cited in Chazal and later sources as segulahs for having children, including suggestions of how a person can merit that his prayers be accepted, and letters of chizuk written by the renowned Gaon Harav...- $9.95
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Never Alone
The book for teens and young adults who've lost a parent In Never Alone, geared for teens who have lost a parent, popular writer, educator, and speaker Rabbi Y. Y. Rubinstein - himself orphaned of his father as an adolescent - sensitively and thoughtfully...- $24.99
$24.99- $24.99
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Rav Mattisyahu Salomon Vaadim - Chinuch - USB
Hear how The Mashgiach guides us to instill in our children the will to follow the Derech HaTorah. Learn how to respond to today's difficult chinuch challenges. Yiddish & English Part 1: 41 va'adim on the topic of chinuch mostly in Yiddish, followed by...- $19.99
$19.99- $19.99
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Sefer Vayinachem Dovid
Sefer Vayinachem Dovid is a fascinating and uplifting collection of igros tanchumin - letters of consolation and chizuk - written by Gedolei Yisroel throughout the ages, and sent to people who experienced the loss of a loved one. The sefer is divided into general letters, letters for the...- $14.95
$14.95- $14.95
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Shalom V'reus
The Keys to Building a Strong Jewish Marriage In Mareh Kohen, the stirring liturgical poem recited on Yom Kippur, the radiant appearance of the kohen gadol after completing the avodah of the holiest day of the year is compared to the look of a chosson...- $24.99
$24.99- $24.99
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The Bar Mitzvah
Halachos, minhagim, sources, and explanations With all the excitement and fanfare that surrounds a boy's bar mitzvah, it's easy to lose focus of what exactly we are celebrating. The general concept of a bar mitzvah is well-known: when a Jewish boy halachically becomes a...- $24.99
$24.99- $24.99
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The Complete Guide to Understanding Your Child's Health
Revised & Expanded When it comes to pediatricians known for going beyond the call of duty, few names come to mind as quickly as Dr. Susan Schulman's. For over three decades, Dr. Schulman has served the Boro Park community with a signature style of...- $27.99
$27.99- $27.99
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The Foundation of the Home
A Woman's role in building her home, upholding her husbands's Torah, and bringing the Shechinah into Klal Yisrael The role of a Jewish woman is as unique as it is—seemingly—paradoxical. She is a different person than her husband, yet she is fundamentally part of...- $22.99
$22.99- $22.99
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The Intriguing World of Jewish Time
Fascinating Zmanim and Calendar Calculations Which Shemoneh Esrei was last recited in the year 1994, and won't be recited again until 2089? Why is it that some people's nineteenth Hebrew birthday does not fall out on the same day as their civil birthday? On the night...- $22.99
$22.99- $22.99
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The Laws of End of Life and Mourning - Zichron Menachem
A Step-by-Step Guide for the Entire FamilyMay Hashem Comfort You Among the Mourners of Zion and Yerushalayim.When you don't know what to do or where to turn...Gathered around the deathbed of a loved one, the family is often unsure of the proper Jewish procedure...- $16.99
$16.99- $16.99
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The Laws of Mourning
A Step-by-Step Guide A concise, simple and easy to use guide to the laws of Aveilus. The unique system of tabbed dividers gives the mourner instant access to the necessary halachos. Included in this slim volume are laws ranging from last hours of life...- $15.95
$15.95- $15.95
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The Married Woman's Personal Calendar 5785
Highly recommended by kallah teachers everywhere. By Tehilla Abramov- $5.95
$5.95- $5.95
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The Newlywed Guide
Essential Lifecycle Halacha for the Jewish HomeOur generation has witnessed an explosion of Torah literature. Yet a book of common round-the-year Halachos for someone setting up a new home is not readily available to the English-speaking public. What do most people do? How come...- $24.99
$24.99- $24.99
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The Practical Bris Milah Primer
A Father's Guide to the Halachos and Minhagim of Milah, Priah, and Metzitzah Written by an experienced mohel, The Practical Bris Milah Primer is an invaluable guide for parents who want to know more about the special mitzvah that will be performed on their...- $16.99
$16.99- $16.99
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The Shidduch Manual
A Time To Seek A short and concise handbook containing practical and precise guidance from our Sages how to go about a shidduch and what to focus on.- $9.95
$9.95- $9.95
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The Tefillin Companion
A detailed review of the laws of tefillin following the order of the Shulchan Aruch In which situations does one fast if his tefillin fell to the floor? May one eat, drink, or nap while wearing tefillin? How often should one have his tefillin...- $24.95
$24.95- $24.95
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The Upsherin
Halachos, minhagim, sources, and explanations Sandwiched between the simchah of a boy's brisand the simchah of his bar mitzvah is yet another simchah: that of his upsherin. In actuality, this is really the celebration of a child beginning to learn Torah, and indeed it...- $22.99
$22.99- $22.99
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To Comfort The Bereaved
A Guide for Mourners and Those Who Visit ThemThis halachic guide contains all the traditions, customs and prayers pertaining to the mitzvah of Nichum Aveilim, comforting mourners. The author clearly demonstrates how Jewish laws and customs address themselves to the various steps and stages...- $19.95
$19.95- $19.95
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To Fill the Earth
277 Segulos and Advice on Fertility Issues in Personal Consultation With Maran Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita A treasure trove of segulos and advice on fertility issues, from our Sages and rabbinical authorities throughout the ages. Includes sections in both Hebrew and English. By: Rabbi...- $22.95
$22.95- $22.95
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Touching the World of Angels
How My Daughter's Short Life Changed MineYouching the World of Angels is a moving meditation on one man's voyage to make sense of his loss. It's a raw portrait of the courage it takes to ask the tough questions, and the humility required to...- $12.95
$12.95- $12.95
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