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Dirshu Mishnah Berurah-New Edition-6 Vol. Boxed Set
This beautiful new edition is the most enhanced and up-to-date version of Mahaduras Dirshu - the ground-breaking "gold standard" Mishnah Berurah for today. Beautifully typeset and slip-cased -- makes a beautiful gift! Highlights extensive additions to Mahaduras Dirshu's hallmark Biurim U'musafim section. Acclaimed throughout the Torah...- $95.99
$95.99- $95.99
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Gift Wrapping
Gift Wrap this item? Sure! Just specify which item and a gift message for each item!- $3.00
- $3.00
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Haggadah B'Tzeis Yisrael
This gem of a haggadah from one of our foremost contemporary poskim and leaders, Hagaon Harav Chaim Yisroel Belsky zt"l, is actually two seforim in one: a halacha sefer, containing Rav Belsky's brilliant pesakim and guidance in the halachos and minhagim of the Seder,...- $13.95
$13.95- $13.95
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Moed L'Dovid - 2 Volume Slipcased Set ***INTRODUCTORY PRICE***
Vol. 1-Insights and explanations on Yom Tov, Chol Hamoed, Pesach, Sefiras Ha'omer, Shavuos and the 3 Weeks Vol. 2-Insights and explanations on Elul, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkos, Shemini Atzeres, Chanukah, Tu B'Shevat, Purim, and the Daled Parshiyos. A sefer that will open vistas of lomdus on...- $24.99
$24.99- $24.99
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Sefer Hamafte'ach - Dirshu Mishnah Berurah
A clear and user-friendly reference guide for the entire Dirshu Mishnah Berurah set. Following the success of the Dirshu Mishnah Berurah over the past decade, Dirshu is proud to announce the release of the Mafte'ach, a breakthrough in the world of limud halachah. Welcomed...- $18.99
$18.99- $18.99
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Kuntrus Matnas Chaim - Davar B'Ito
The Torah view on the war in Israel and the avodah required of us during such an eis tzarah.Rav Mattisyahu Salomon shlit"a- $3.99
$3.99- $3.99
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Moed L'Dovid - Vol 2 (Elul - Purim) Hebrew ***INTRODUCTORY PRICE***
Insights and explanations on Elul, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkos, Shemini Atzeres, Chanukah, Tu B'Shevat, Purim, and the Daled Parshiyos. A sefer that will open vistas of lomdus on the Moadim. (Hebrew) By Rabbi Dovid Hofstedter- $11.99
$11.99- $11.99
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Dirshu Mishnah Berurah/Mafte'ach 7 Vol. Boxed Set
Deluxe slipcase edition - Mishnah Berurah with Mafte'ach. 7 Volume Set. Makes a beautiful gift! The Dirshu Mishnah Berurah contains elements that will be craved by talmidei chachamim and laymen alike: 1) Halacha lema'aseh rulings on new modern day shailos 2) Previously unpublished insights...- $114.99
$114.99- $114.99
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Kuntrus Matnas Chaim - Chanukah
Ma'amarim on Chanukah. Rav Mattisyahu Salomon shlit"a- $5.99
$5.99- $5.99
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Dorash Dovid: Moadim 4 Volume Slipcased Set (English)
Insights & Essays on the Moadim In this unique work, Rav Dovid Hofstedter, Nasi of the internationally acclaimed Dirshu Torah organization, presents deep insights into the moadim of Pesach and Shavuos, as well as Sefiras Ha'omer, the Three Weeks, Tishah B'Av, Rosh Chodesh and...- $33.71
$44.95- $33.71
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When Worlds Collide - Scratch & Dent
A stunning tapestry of thought-provoking drama that melds past and present, fact and fiction, and intelligence and emotion, written by a bestselling novelist. Rabbi Yaakov Feld is on a mission to meet with representatives of Darchei Chalom, a kiruv organization operating in France's small...- $21.56
$26.95- $21.56
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Matnas Chaim Haggadah
The venerated Mashgiach of Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, Hagaon Hatzaddik Rav Mattisyahu Salomon shlit'a, has long maintained that in order to properly gain and grow from the Pesach Seder, one must prepare beforehand. In this Haggadah, there are three sections: Ma'amarei Hachanah - introductory...- $13.49
$17.99- $13.49
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Moed L'Dovid-Vol 1 (Yom Tov, Chol Hamoed, Pesach-3 Weeks) Hebrew-NEW EDITION
Insights and explanations on Yom Tov, Chol Hamoed, Pesach, Sefiras Ha'omer, Shavuos and the 3 Weeks A sefer that will open vistas of lomdus on the Moadim. (Hebrew)By Rabbi Dovid Hofstedter- $11.25
$14.99- $11.25
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L'chaim - The Torah View on Wine
The Torah View on Wine, Alcohol, and Intoxicants Exploring the Mystery of the Tree of Knowledge There is something especially mysterious about wine, which presents a duality of tremendous good and equally tremendous evil. On the one hand, wine occupies the pinnacle of holiness...- $7.50
$14.99- $7.50
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Timeless Tales: The Ben Ish Chai - Pesach
Series 2 - Pesach (Based on The Ben Ish Chai) Everyone's familiar with Zeidy Ephraim's stories. Now you're invited to join Yanky and his Zeidy Ephraim in a fascinating new series - in the footsteps of Chacham Yosef Chaim, the holy Ben Ish Chai...- $14.00
$19.99- $14.00
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Timeless Tales: Pesach Comics
Pesach Comics You've all heard a lot about Pesach. Now we'd like to invite you on an exciting journey, like no other trip you've ever taken before... Fly on the wings of your imagination to a small village from days gone by. Join Yanky...- $12.56
$17.95- $12.56
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Dirshu Mishnah Berurah Daf Yomi B'Halacha Pocket Size 38 Volume Boxed Set
The Dirshu Mishnah Berurah contains elements that will be craved by talmidei chachamim and laymen alike: 1) Halacha lema'aseh rulings on new modern day shailos 2) Previously unpublished insights noted on the pages of the personal Mishna Berurahs of Gedolei Yisrael 3) Additions and...- $64.99
$64.99- $64.99
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West of the Nile
Join Yitzy and his father on their desperate quest for a lifesaving medicine--in Mitzrayim, at the time of the Jews' slavery! A historical novel of drama and intrigue for all adventure-loving teens and tweens. When Yitzy, an ordinary yeshivah kid from Brooklyn of the...- $14.99
$14.99- $14.99
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The Dubno Maggid Haggadah
This Haggadah is full of the enjoyable explanations and inspiring parables of the Dubno Maggid. It is rich with wisdom and will enable you to fulfill the mitzvah of sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim in a wonderful way, while instilling emunah in Hakadosh Baruch Hu for...- $18.90
$26.99- $18.90
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Purim and Pesach With the Gedolim
Stories of Our Torah Leaders Rejoice on Purim along with the Shpoler Zeide, Rav Isser Zalmen Meltzer, Rav Mordechai Eliyahu, Rav Shalom Schwadron, and many other Torah giants! Celebrate Pesach together with Rav Shmuel Salant, the Chafetz Chaim, Rav Refael Baruch Toledano, Rav...- $23.99
$23.99- $23.99
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