Practical Hashkafa to Enhance Everyday Life - Based on Chumash Our outlook on life necessarily colors our experience of it.
Hashkafa, or the "Outlook" of Judaism, is a multifaceted, wide ranging yet definite way of looking at life. In the final analysis, the Jewish outlook is a celebration of life. And therefore mastering it can turn every experience - the beautiful and majestic, as well as the painful and the mundane - into a meaningful and/or joyful reaffirmation of simple existence.
This book will help both the intelligent beginner as well as the well-rounded scholar better master Jewish
hashkafa. Designed to enhance the experience of everyday life, it is a tapestry of true life stories and penetrating textual analysis of the Chumash woven together into an eminently readable whole. Some of the issues and topics include:
- Torah values and the pursuit of money
- Soul mates
- Life after death
- Finding tranquility amidst harsh circumstances
- Jewish personal development and spirituality
- Maintaining standards in corrupt surroundings
Bitachon and faith in this day and age
- And more...
by Rabbi Ezriel Tauber