Days are Coming - By Rabbi Ezriel Tauber

SKU: TB102
Rising to the Challenge of History's Most Crucial Time

"Behold, days are coming, says the Lord G-d, when I will send a famine in the land; not a famine for bread, nor a thirst for water, but for hearing the words of G-d." (Amos 8:11)

We live in times of steep spiritual descent. Global changes which once took 500 years to come about now happen in decades. This accelerated pace of change has created a vacuum in contemporary life. People feel the need for more - for something they may not even be able to put their fingers on, but something that urges them on nonetheless. This situation is what the prophet referred to when he stated: "Behold, days are coming..."

Apparently, those days have arrived.

The question is: How have we responded? Have we responded? How should we respond?

Days Are Coming first shows exactly how those 'days' have arrived like never before. Beyond that, however - both in content and in style - it points out how one can and, indeed, must learn to respond to the challenge of these times.

Days Are Coming
- so get yourself prepared.

By: Rabbi Ezriel Tauber

SKU: TB102

Author: Rabbi Ezriel Tauber
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 1-878999-09-5
Length: 226
Media: Book
Publisher: Shalheves
Release Date:

Days are Coming - By Rabbi Ezriel Tauber

Days are Coming - By Rabbi Ezriel Tauber

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Days are Coming - By Rabbi Ezriel Tauber

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