Diamonds and Demons

SKU: L125
Joseph Issac Gutnick - variously known as Diamond Joe for his mining exploits, Demon Joe for his active presidency of the Australian Football League club, the Melbourne Demons, and the Lubavitcher Rebbe's Special Emissary for the Integrity of the Land of Israel - is a fantastic mix of contradictions. Read the fascinating story of how he made his millions, how he spent them, and how he ultimately lost them. The story is not over. Gutnick, still on the right side of fifty, will tell you the story has barely begun...
By: David Bernstein

SKU: L125

Author: David Bernstein
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 0-7344-0094-2
Length: 368
Media: Book
Publisher: Israel Bookshop Publications
Release Date:

Diamonds and Demons

Diamonds and Demons


Diamonds and Demons


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