From My Zaidy's House

SKU: L118
Growth and Development of a Cheder Boy from Otwock, Poland to a Leader of the American Jewish Community
In Rabbi Sholem Kowalsky's lifetime he observed pre-war Poland, the Holocaust, the rescue and rebuilding of Jewish life in the United States and the re-establishment of our ancient homeland, Eretz Yisrael. He partook in the development of the day school movement, served three congregations, and organized a foundation to promote Torah and Yiddishkeit. And through it all he had the vision of his grandfather smiling down at him and urging him onward. An enlightening and enjoyable read.

SKU: L118

Author: Rabbi Sholem B. Kowalsky
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 0-9702360-0-X
Length: 480
Media: Book
Publisher: Israel Bookshop Publications
Release Date:

From My Zaidy's House

From My Zaidy's House


From My Zaidy's House


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