Hadracha for Mechanchim and Magidei Shiur

SKU: LA168
Harav Hagaon Rav Moshe Braverman shlit"a

Harav Moshe Braverman shlita, Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivas Meah Shearim, is a world-renowned mechanech and mashpia who has gained international acclaim for his expertise in dealing in all aspects of chinuch. 

Through his shiurim and classes he has influenced scores of rebbeim and parents, and helped guide them through the thorniest issues of chinuch, as well as with everyday challenges that affect every child. I have been privileged to share a relationship with Rav Braverman and am proud to offer his profound shiurim for mechanchim in English. This is the first time Rav Braverman's Shalom Bayis shiurim have been translated and published in English, and will surely be a great benefit to all English speaking mechanchim. 

Rabbi Aryeh Moshe Leiser

SKU: LA168

Author: Rav Moshe Braverman
Format: Softcover
Length: 142
Media: Book
Publisher: Israel Bookshop Publications
Release Date:

Hadracha for Mechanchim and Magidei Shiur

Hadracha for Mechanchim and Magidei Shiur


Hadracha for Mechanchim and Magidei Shiur


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