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...May a synthetic garment be used for tzitzis?
...May one wear one's tzitzis strings out in the presence of a woman's grave?
...Should tzitzis be worn while playing ball?
...May one transfer one's mezuzos when moving to a new home?
...May one use or copy someone else's sefer without permission?
...May the leftover wax and wicks from the Shabbos candles be discarded? What about magazines that may contain divrei Torah?
...From what age is a child obligated to recite berachos?
...When and how should one reprimand a person who is committing sins?
...Should one recite another berachah on tzitzis after swimming?
...When may one learn Kabbalah?
...What degree of kashrus is required for a child's tzitzis?
...If one performs a mitzvah without having in mind that it is for the sake of Heaven, must the mitzvah be repeated?
These questions and many more are discussed in this fascinating sefer.
SKU: L706
Author: Rav Gershon Meltzer
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-965-7599-16-7
Length: 608
Media: Book
Publisher: Shanky's Publications
Release Date: