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The suspenseful and dramatic story takes place during the dark era when the Crusaders were on the warpath. As history has proven time and again, our enemies use every opportunity to attack the Jewish nation. The barbaric and bloodthirsty Crusaders were no exception.
In this remarkable comic story, you will be inspired by the strength and courage displayed by Yidden in the most difficult times. Their Emunah remained steadfast, even when they were in severe distress. You will be uplifted by the Divine Providence that is woven throughout the tumultuous events. Hashem protects His beloved children at all times.
It will be fascinating to become acquainted with the power struggles, both obvious and lesser so, that played out between the powerful European kings and the influential Pope in Rome.
Read and enjoy!
By E. Schor & S. Binet
SKU: C773
Author: E. Schor & S. Binet
Dimensions: 9"x12"
Format: Hardcover
Illustrator: Motty Heller
ISBN: 9781680919509
Length: 67
Media: Book
Publisher: Shai Publishing
Release Date: March 2025