Zero Limits

The long-awaited, spine-tingling sequel to Zero Hour that ties together the lives of old and new characters in a stunningly intricate plot!

In the middle of the night, a knock at the door plunges Binyamin and Leah Ludmir into a world of mystery and intrigue. Yosef, a child whose identity is deliberately hidden from them, suddenly becomes an integral part of their family, and gradually, the past and present of their lives become woven together to form a tapestry of shocking revelations.

Zero Limits, the eagerly awaited sequel to Zero Hour, ties together the lives of Mendy and Mendel Brand, their parents, and a host of new characters, in a stunningly intricate plot.

Will Yosef's family manage to escape from all those who pursue them - and does anyone really want to help them?

Mendy Brand, the central character of Zero Hour, is somehow connected to Yosef, but whose side is he really on?

And Mendel Brand, aka Jamil, straddles the fence. Will he ever fully integrate into the Jewish world, or will he forever remain an object of suspicion?

There are real heroes and there are traitors. Only some will win the battle between life and death.

Zero Limits joins Rachel Schorr's other popular novels: Autumn Rain, The Search, One Flight Up, Interrupted Journey, and Shadows Light.

Don't miss reading Zero Hour, Rachel Schorr's fabulous prequel that reveals the shocking history and double life of Mendy Brand!


Author: Rachel Schorr
Dimensions: 6 "X 9"
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-60091-412-6
Length: 600
Media: Book
Publisher: Tfutza Publications
Release Date:

Zero Limits

Zero Limits


Zero Limits


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