Short Stories
102 Stories That Changed People's Lives
An inspiring anthology that strengthens emunah and bitachonWhen Rav Wosner opened his eyes he sighed and ruled, "The answer is clear. You have a strong claim against your partner. You may take him to a din Torah." I well understood the meaning of a...- $31.99
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102 Stories that Changed People's Lives Vol. 2
An inspiring anthology that strengthens emunah and bitachon The doctor spoke for a long time, but Rachel didn't catch a word of it. She stared out the window, at a bird perched on the windowsill happily chirping. A breeze blew, rustling the leaves. A horn...- $31.99
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102 Stories that Changed People's Lives Vol. 3
An inspiring anthology that strengthens emunah and bitachon "Nachman." Someone tears through the fog of my dream, trying to break its spell. "It's Shabbos morning," the voice says. The dream moves further away, and the voice becomes clearer, closer. "And Simchas Torah. There's davening...- $31.99
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Contemporary Stories of Hashgachah Pratis and Emunah Based on pesukim of Tehillim with a 24/7 pattern What can totally change a person's life? We've all come to this world in order to successfully meet some specific challenge. How can we know what that challenge...- $31.99
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A Collector's Collection II
Rabbi Orange, author of the popular book A Collector's Collection has done it again! Drawing on his rich experience as a fundraiser for Yeshivas Torah Ore for nearly four decades, Rabbi Orange takes us on a fascinating journey into the world of a collector....- $23.95
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A Legacy of Leaders - Children's Edition
Inspiring Stories & Biographies of Sephardi Hachamim How did the people of Yerushalayim discover the astounding greatness of their "simple" shamash, R' Shalom Shar'aby? What did R' Haim Pinto command Rahab, the malach of the sea, to do, and how did this incredible story...- $22.99
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A Living Sefer Torah
Whether it's finishing all of Shas and poskim once a year; learning a masechta in his sleep; or getting lost in his Gemara while sitting in a tiny chair in a kindergarten classroom, the genius and hasmadah of Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlit"a are legendary....- $23.99
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A Patchwork Life
And other stories for womenHave you ever taken a wrong turn - and just kept on walking? Sent out not-so-subtle hints about a party that never materializes? Experienced a moment of truth with an inexplicably frosty sister-in-law? All of us have such moments. And...- $20.95
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A Warm Heart
As one of our foremost gedolei hador, Maran Harav Shteinman shlit"a is a giant in Torah and yiras Shamayim. Additionally, his warmth and sensitivity are legendary and felt by all who come into contact with him. Whether it's Rav Shteinman's refusal to take on a...- $23.99
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As a Father Cares For His Son
And Other Stories About Maran Elazar Menachem Mann Shach zt"l Rav Shach was a true Torah leader in every sense. He was the rosh yeshivah of the roshei yeshivah; the talmid chacham whose Torah knowledge was mind-boggling; the masmid who was happy to give...- $23.99
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Between Teens
Short Stories and Experiences from Real Life Batya studies so hard for her final, but flunks it anyway... Esther feels like an invisible girl at school... Temima struggles with whether or not to block texting from her phone... Chavi knows, deep down, that her...- $21.99
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Between the Tides
Fraidy Morris is the perfect catch. Someone toenvy™or is she? Her mother-in-law is a better mother to her kidsthan she is. Who wants plain old mommy whenyou can have Super Savta? Ruthie is feeling the pangs of empty nest. Herbaby isn™t a baby anymore....- $22.95
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Brachah V'hatzlachah
Anecdotes, Advice, Hanhagos, Brachos, and Segulos of Maran Sar Hatorah Harav Chaim Kanievsky zt"l With these two words (shortened by Rav Chaim to their acronym "Buha!" in his later years), the Gadol Hador blessed and encouraged the thousands who asked for his advice and...- $32.99
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Bridging the Golden Gate
Stories of Growth and InspirationA fascinating collection of stories and essays by a talented writer. These stories are excellent stepping stones to personal growth; at the same time, they are interesting, fun to read and inspirational.75">By: Debbie Shapiro- $21.95
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Join a journey of millennia in this remarkable collection of short storiesfrom popular author Etka Gitel Schwartz. From the splitting of the RedSea to the hedgerows of Normandy, from ancient Jerusalem to theCatskills: here are the voices of children and adults, paratroopers, pilgrims,tollbooth operators...- $24.99
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True Stories of Teens Holding Strong Have you ever felt you were standing at the edge of a cliff, holding on for dear life, as letting go for one moment would mean a definite plunge into the abyss? That’s exactly how the many protagonists...- $20.95
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Consequential Choices
Vivid true-to-life stories culminating in moral dilemmas, expertly navigated by Harav Gershon Ribner Mr. Spitz is aware that his son-in-law has been stealing from him for years. Should he leave him out of his will, causing a possible rift in the family? On the day of her wedding, Shifra...- $27.99
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Fault Lines
A Fiction Collection Whose fault is it? Gabi wants to reconnect with someone from her past — against her husband’s wishes.Nava’s new stepmother is ruining her childhood home.Sharon’s son needs her all the time — and he’s a grown adult. A magician, a taxi...- $27.99
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Flashes of Torah
Short, inspiring thoughts and stories on the weekly parshah and Yamim Tovim A bolt of inspiration. A fascinating way of understanding the words of a pasuk. A beautiful story about a gadol, connecting to an event from the parshah. Glittering nuggets of Torah. That's...- $26.99
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Good Kids Vol. 1
Fascinating True Stories About Good Children Like You Something goes very wrong during Bentzy's haircut. What thank-you gift does he give his friends afterward? And can they even be called friends? Aryeh doesn't like his grandfather's treats. What happens when he suddenly wants just...- $26.99
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