Consequential Choices

SKU: LA313

Vivid true-to-life stories culminating in moral dilemmas, expertly navigated by Harav Gershon Ribner

Mr. Spitz is aware that his son-in-law has been stealing from him for years. Should he leave him out of his will, causing a possible rift in the family?

On the day of her wedding, Shifra discovers that she and her chassan test positive as carriers of infantile Tay-Sachs disease. Should they call off the wedding?


Yaakov, a baal teshuvah, is asked by his assimilated brother how he, as an Orthodox Jew, views his brother's marriage to a non-Jewish woman. The whole family, including the gentile spouse and their children, are watching, waiting for Yaakov's answer. How should Yaakov respond?


Boris's treacherous behavior caused his pious father to disown him and forbid him from saying Kaddish for him after his passing. Should Boris obey his father's wishes and refrain from honoring him with Kaddish?

Consequential Choices is a riveting collection of true-to-life stories. A masterfully captivating odyssey, each story culminates with a profound and challenging moral dilemma. The reader finds himself confronted with predicaments that force him to reach deep within, tapping into his innate ideals and values, thereby mustering the conviction, strength, and courage to rise above his personal gains and interests. Following the dilemma is Rabbi Ribner's penetrating and insightful outlook. Startling in its intelligence and sense, it shows a path to cultivate solutions in an honest and pure manner, clearly discerning right from wrong.

The decisions portrayed in this book clearly illustrate how the Torah is a comprehensive guide that contains directives for every facet of life - relevant to all centuries, every continent, and any situation. Direction and wisdom are embedded in every page of the Gemara, and a scholar can unearth and extrapolate every proper and noble sentiment, while learning to differentiate between what is to be cherished and what is to be rejected; what is to be encouraged and what is to be frowned upon; what is essential and what is irrelevant; what is eternal and what is finite; what is real and what is illusory.  

Presented by Rabbi Shmuel Klein

SKU: LA313

Author: Harav Gershon Ribner
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-60091-891-9
Length: 295
Media: Book
Publisher: Israel Bookshop Publications
Release Date:
2022-08-01 00:00:00 -0400

Consequential Choices

Consequential Choices


Consequential Choices


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